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L'artiste Fattah Bellali

A Moroccan, originaly from  Marakech, a city of civilization and art,  Abdelfattah Belali is an inspired visual artist seeking a middle ground between scientific research and creativity.

As a result, his work perfectly combines scientific elements with artistic ones, attempting a symbiosis  of the arts, philosophy, and the sciences. 


Investing a lifetime of research of origins and evolution of symbols and writings, he first made several expeditions in the confines of the desert to observe rock engravings testifying to the prehistoric ages of mankind.This  quest of the creative “researcher” Abdelfattah Belali was not limited to  only rock engravings, but went further through the exploration of symbols  and ancient writings. This exploration went from  hieroglyphics and cuniform writings, to proto-sinaitic and the phoenician alphabet as well as its variations, all which have evolved today into the modern alphabets seen  in Arabic, Amazigh, Greek or Latin. 

By way of conclusion, each of Abdelfattah Belali’s works can be considered  as a creative ourney taking us to the dawn of mankind, where one can truly  witness the evolution of writing and the growing complexity of human  communication skills.